Avoiding the Late Day Snack Attack — And What to Do When It Happens
Michele Russ
It’s such a common scenario: you start the day determined to be healthy. Breakfast is fruit and a hard boiled egg. Lunch is a green salad with chicken. So far, so good. But by the time 4pm rolls around, you’re famished and head for the pantry. You try to be somewhat responsible and start with just a few cheese and crackers. Before you know it, you’ve downed a bag of chips and half a row of Oreos to top it off. Full of regret, your inner critic begins berating you for your nonexistent willpower. Feeling like the rest of the day is blown, you order takeout and ice cream for dinner and vow to do better tomorrow. Or Monday.
Most of us have been there. Rather than accept defeat or continue to feel badly about yourself, it’s time to examine why this vicious cycle occurs and learn to be empowered to do something about it. Here are a few ways to prevent this from happening in the first place and suggestions for how to better handle those afternoon cravings when they strike.
Prevention: First, let’s look at why this might be happening. There’s a strong possibility that the healthy foods we’re eating for breakfast and lunch are simply not enough food. Consider adding an extra egg at breakfast and a cup of vegetable soup alongside your salad at lunch. These additions add nutrients your body needs and may keep you satisfied longer, heading off those hunger pangs before they get out of control.
If you think the amount of food you are eating is appropriate, take a look at what you’re eating. Our bodies need the right balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat. If you haven’t had enough of one of these macronutrients, try adjusting what you’re eating until you find what works for you. I wish there was one exact formula that would apply to all of us, but we each have slightly different nutritional needs based on age, weight, gender, activity level and other factors. You may need to learn through a little trial and error what is right for you. Maybe try adding some avocado with your eggs in the morning for a dose of healthy fat and fiber. Lunch might be a rice bowl with tons of veggies and your favorite protein. Could that be a better balance for your body? Pay attention to energy levels and how long you feel satiated after you eat. Our bodies are giving us clues all the time; we just have to slow down and notice.
Is it possible you’re dehydrated? I’ve definitely found my way to the bottom of a snack bag only to realize that I was actually thirsty! Sip water throughout the day, have some herbal tea in the afternoon, and drink a glass of sparkling water with a squeeze of fresh lemon before you beeline to the refrigerator. You may not be as hungry as you thought.
Damage Control: What if you haven’t figured out your best meal plan yet? Or you’ve exhausted all of the above options and you’re STILL having mad cravings and heading for a nutritional downfall?
1. Don’t panic. Take a pause. What is your body really craving? Are you tired? It could be that you need to close your eyes for 20 minutes. Think again about your fluid intake and make sure it’s not thirst. Barring that, I think it’s normal to have some hunger in the afternoon, just make sure you’re satisfying it without overdoing it.
2. Have a nutritious snack. This could be a banana or apple slices covered with almond butter, or a quick fruit smoothie. Remember, we eat to nourish our bodies. Full disclosure — sometimes I go ahead and eat a modest serving of cheese and crackers or sweet potato chips when I’m craving something crunchy and salty. Then I’ll turn to healthier options if I’m still hungry. Once you’ve eaten a healthy snack, take another pause. Are you actually still hungry or are you stressed, bored or craving something that has nothing to do with food?
3. Walk away from the food and distract yourself in a positive way. Call a friend, put your favorite podcast on and go for a walk, clean out your junk drawer or fold laundry. Anything that gets your mind off your pantry and makes you feel productive. Once 20 minutes go by, your craving should have passed. If not, take the green bean test. Ask yourself if you would eat green beans at that moment. If the answer is yes, you’re probably hungry. Honor that and have a little something more. But chances are, the answer is no and you can go back to busying yourself with other things.
We’ve all fallen prey to the late day hunger binge. Put some practices in place to steer clear of strong cravings in the first place and mindfully handle them when they arise. Take a pause, have a small healthy snack and distract yourself. You could even go start the next episode of Schitt’s Creek or whatever you’re watching, and binge on something that you won’t regret later.
Michele Russ is a certified Health & Wellness Coach, yoga teacher and is passionate about healthy living for all.