Five Surprising Ways To Get Motivated
Michele Russ
We’re about two weeks into the first month of 2021. If getting fit is on your agenda this year, how is your motivation holding up? It’s easy to feel motivated for the first few weeks of a new (or returned to) workout plan, but it’s also in this early stage that small obstacles can easily derail us.
A common scenario: After a long hiatus, we throw ourselves headfirst into a hardcore workout challenge. Instead of feeling energized and strong, we’re fatigued to the bone, with sore muscles and frustrated by slow progress and minimal rewards. The couch is calling your name and the temptation to put today’s workout off till tomorrow (or Monday, or next month) is compelling. Or, you decide to hit snooze in the morning and promise to workout at the end of the day. But your meetings ran long, you need to buy groceries and you just want a minute to yourself to unwind. A glass of wine would be nice, too. Sound familiar?
But this is YOUR year—2021—a fresh opportunity to set your fitness goals and smash them. Don’t let fatigue, stress, or negative self-talk keep you from achieving your fitness goals.
Here are five surprising ways to get motivated to exercise when all you want to do is veg.
1. Book it. Maybe this one isn’t so surprising, but regular exercisers often succeed because they schedule their workouts and set them in stone. Signing up for a group fitness class goes a long way toward sticking to your commitment to working out. A scheduled run or hike with a friend is more likely to happen as well. Plan ahead, sign up for classes or schedule your swimming lane, and you’re chances of following through are much higher.
2. Listen to an Audiobook or Podcast. And only allow yourself to listen when you’re exercising. If you can get into a good book or an addictive podcast, you might end up looking forward to your treadmill time to find out what happens next. You may even stay on there longer if the story is getting really good! I often listen to my book club books while I walk my dogs, and we’ve covered a lot of ground that way.
3. Instagram it. This may not be for everyone, but if you’re active on social media, use it to your benefit. Make it public that you’re committed to your fitness, choose a scenic route or cute outfit, and selfie your way to completing those workouts! Maybe you even make it a challenge. A friend of mine set a goal of playing tennis in 50 different locations with 50 different friends during her 50th year and posted everything on Instagram. Guess what? She played a lot of tennis that year and it was fun! Which leads into number four on our list.
4. Make it fun. I would never recommend that you hit the stationary bike for 30 minutes/3x per week if you hate spinning. Find the activity that you actually like to do and you’re less likely to skip it. One of my besties is addicted to her group fitness classes where she sees all her friends and loves joking with the instructor. She hates missing a class because it’s usually her favorite part of the day! Hiking, Barre, rock climbing, Pilates… expand your horizons, find the activity that gets you excited and take it from there.
5. Trick yourself. This is what got me motivated to get going for many years. On those lazy Saturdays when I felt glued to the couch, I would tell myself that I needed to run for just 10 minutes and then I could come right back to my comfy seat. We can do anything for 10 minutes, right? Of course, 10 minutes would turn into 20 or even 30, and I’d come home sweaty and in a better mood, workout complete.
One more thing: put on your workout gear even if you don’t feel like it. Sometimes just getting dressed can help get you out the door. There are dozens of other solid ways you’ve gotten yourself to work out in the past, and most days; they will be enough. But if all your usual motivation methods fail, try one of these. Most of the techniques I’ve just shared are fun. And for me, fun is the best motivator of all!
Michele Russ is a certified Health & Wellness Coach, yoga teacher and is passionate about healthy living for all.