Yoga and 12 Step Recovery
Jane Meier
Sixteen years into Recovery, and the ink still wet on my yoga Grace teacher training certificate, I heard about the Yoga and 12 Step Recovery (Y12SR) weekend training and leapt at the chance to merge two important parts of my life. Y12SR is a program that blends the ancient wisdom of yoga with the wisdom of 12 Step Recovery. colliding in a very good way.
The weekend training was a feeling of right alignment and experience I always hope for, but don’t often find. The sky was a beautiful blue, the drive was easy, the studio was wonderful and walking distance from this great food hall in Raleigh. It felt so good to have these two worlds colliding and joining together in such a profound way. THEN, we got to this slide:
The generally accepted story is that the steps came to Alcoholics Anonymous via the Oxford group of the Theosophical Society, who developed them by systematizing teachings of the Rishis (saints, sage, yogi) of India.
From “Addictions a Systems Approach”
My mind was BLOWN! The revelation reinforced what I had been experiencing as I learned more about yoga (all 8 limbs) and what I had learned from the principles of recovery. They seemed similar and complementary, because, well, they are. Recovery programs are actually rooted in the teachings of the rishis.
Y12SR brings together recovery and yoga in a way that brings me closer to the goal of living a life of integrity and according to my values. As a meeting space holder, I hold space for others to comingle these beautiful practices. I began holding meetings in 2019 at Grace (in person!), then weekly for a time during the pandemic via Zoom. I am thrilled to now be able to offer a weekly Y12SR space livestream through Grace!
So what can you expect out of a Y12SR Meeting? To begin, you can expect about 7-10 minutes of “container creation” where I will go over the steps and ground rules for sharing. I’ll start with a reading on recovery and some short thoughts, and then the space is open for sharing. Students can share their experience, strength and hope through speaking what is true for them related to the topic. The talking portion of the meeting is then closed, and we begin our yoga practice. Typically, the practice is mat-based, but sometimes we practice chair yoga or yoga nidra.
Who should come to a Y12SR Meeting? Yoga and 12-Step Recovery (Y12SR) is a program to support sustainable addiction recovery. It is open to anyone affected by addictive behavior—their own or someone else's. It is open to anyone on any recovery path and is not intended to replace any part of a 12-step program.
You do not have to be currently in a 12-step program to attend. A helpful working definition of addiction is an inclusive one from Tommy Rosen, a yoga teacher, and addiction recovery expert: "Any behavior you continue to engage in even though it brings negative consequences into your life." The newcomer, the questioning, and the unsure are as welcome at this meeting as the person who has been recovering for decades.
What do I need to join? A computer or mobile device with Zoom downloaded, comfortable clothes, a water bottle, and a yoga mat if you have one.
How do I sign up? Meetings are held weekly 7:30-9 pm on Sundays, and confidentiality is observed. Sign-up at to receive the Zoom link via email one hour before the meeting. Meetings are free, but donations to are encouraged.
Jane Meier is a lifetime lover of many fitness pursuits. As a certified Yoga Teacher she merges recovery principles and yoga to increase calm, peace, serenity, and connection.